Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer JOY

I have not finished unpacking from our move last November.  The basement is full of half unpacked boxes.  One can barely walk.

The grades from the 2008-09 school year are not done.  I have stacks of school work to go through and correct.  

I wonder if there are any late bills in the piles of mail sitting around the house.

My school plan for the 2009-10 school year is not finished.  Some of my books are not ordered yet.  Usually I am done with this by June.

I started trying to make this rental house a little more like a home, as we made the decision to stay for another year.  In the process, the house is looking more like a tornado went through it.

It is nearly ninety degrees out and we don't have central air.  

It is summer.  

We went to the pool for the day!  ; )

EnJOY it while you can!

1 comment:

  1. Great way to spend the day! Good for you! The rest of it can wait, right?!


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