Outside my windows... Jack Frost visited again the last two nights and covered every branch and blade in white. Every time I walk by a window -- morning, noon, or evening -- I marvel at the beauty.
I am thinking... about God's providence. I found out via Facebook this morning (yes, I finally succumbed to the pressure) that the friend I spoke about in this post, who was instrumental in my high school conversion, has found his way back to the Church! God is good. I am always amazed. And I am excited to reconnect with some old friends.
I am thankful for... foam beads to string and sort. (Though I am not as excited about picking them up when they manage to find a way into every room of the house.)
I am hoping and praying... for the Catholics Come Home campaign. There was a time when so many Catholics were so poorly catechized, and, fed nothing solid, many left the Church. Let's pray for our brothers and sisters to return to the faith of their baptism!
From the kitchen... candy cane coffee cake and St. Nicholas cocoa for breakfast yesterday, and St. Nicholas cupcakes for dessert.
From the schoolroom... We've got a list of things to finish before our winter break and (almost) everyone is working diligently to get done early -- The Boy needs a little more motivation. I went to the library this evening and got or requested all the books we need until after the holidays. We finished On the Banks of Plum Creek last week and are now starting By the Shores of Silver Lake.
I am creating... the last few ornaments for our Jesse tree. I started them probably three years ago (!) and am determined to finish them this year!
I am reading... Hannah Coulter (still), along with our school and Advent stuff. (By the way, Gramma, I think you'd really like this book -- ask my Dad to get it for you.)
Noticing that ... there are gray hairs where there shouldn't be (namely, on my head!). Shhh ... don't tell anyone.
Around the house... a few more wintery things are appearing each day. Yesterday, our plain Corelle was replaced by our pretty winter dishes. (Notice the mess on the tablecloth created while mixing St. Nicholas hot cocoa.)
One of my favorite things... how much The Baby adores her Daddy.
Pondering these words ... "I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least." (Servant of God, Dorothy Day)
A few plans for the rest of the week: Mass and celebration of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception tomorrow -- one day at a time!
Some picture-thoughts I am sharing: see above.
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